It's my birthday month, Don's birthday month, Logan's (my godson) birthday month, boiled peanuts, hoodies, bonfires, Halloween (my favorite holiday) and FOOTBALL!
Come college football season, UGA football is religion at our house! Last year, I was in a wedding on a Saturday in November, the same day as The Georgia/Florida game. It's the biggest game of the year for us.I was so bummed to be missing the game that I seriously thought about not going/being apart of the wedding. I did attend/participate but I was sour and I pouted and left as soon as the ceremony was over. I made it home in 13 minutes and was there at the beginning of the 3rd quarter and I watched it in my bridesmaid dress. We won! I had bragging rights over my best friend for whole year (AGAIN) and I do not miss an opportunity to let her know that My Dawgs are better than her Gators. Sorry I'm not sorry, Meagan.
So, here we are again, football season quickly approaching and I'm planning a wedding...on a Saturday. Only, this time it won't be so bad, because we can always sneak away to watch a few minutes of the game together, or listen to it on the radio.
We lost to Vanderbilt last year. And this year, we're playing them on October 4th. We'll be at home Between the Hedges and the new quarterback, Hutson Mason, was looking pretty good at the end of last season so...Here's to hoping for a big UGA win on our wedding day!
And to show my team spirit - THIS! SO MUCH YES!
At the beginning of September, I'm sending my thigh measurements to my Aunt Buffy so she can make my garter. She wanted to make mine since she made Meagan's and I loved the idea of having a custom garter and I love that it's from a family member and not Jane Doe on